Scott Ellington's Blog

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GameOfThrones Episode 3 of Season 8 — The Long Night

Who knew that Puppetman’s Ace in the hole was a crypt full of Starks?  The answer to that rhetorical question is EVERYBODY but me, so it came as an exquisite surprise when the safest place in Wintersmell turned out to be one of the best examples of PissPoorPriorPlanning ever.

Still, dumb as I am, I’ve just got to wonder whether:

1.  the Night King re-reanimated his own fallen dead or only reanimated the nonOther?

2.  if there’s a tidier demonstration than this episode of the Lord of Light’s (G.R.R.Martin’s) fundamental article of faith that aaabsolutely evvveryonnne has a part to play in His Grand Design?

3.  if it’s necessary to read all 21 books in Martin’s Wild Card series to be intrigued by similarities and transnarrative possibilities that seem to inform the Song of Ice and Fire threads?  [I think not; Senator Hartmann already smells an awful lot like the Night King in Aces Abroad (book 4). and the Astronomer’s darkly-enigmatic motivations in book 3 get less enigmatic by the end of the book and seem reasonably-consistent with the eternal night motif favored by both astronomers and Night Kings.]

4.  Jon might have outshone Arya minutes earlier by racing into Drogon’s dragonfire blastfurnace outside the godswood with Bearclaw (I’ve forgotten the actual name of his Mormont Valyrian steel greatsword) in hand, Targarian-heedless of flame?  or

5.  IceDragonFire, for that matter?

6.  and what’s up with Valyrian-steel-greatsword-switching, anyway?  Mormont to Stark, Tarly to Mormont, [Tinker to Evers to Chance much?] and then there’s the faceless man’s? stylish Tyrion/Littlefinger Valyrian steel dagger that mangled Bran’s mother’s hands and made Arya’s name sacred in the realms of men?

7.  How does one avoid becoming addicted to this stuff?  I. don’t. care.  17 Wild Card books to go (no matter how goofy they are) and at least two StarkTargarian, Starkgarian volumes of unforgotten and unforgiven lore await, unless Martin croaks in the interim.

8.  I’ll probably slot the title of the episode in the title bar of this posting when it turns up in my HBO directory, although, after waiting two years for the intense satisfactions of  S8E3, SateHe3 seems kind of appropriate.  Question mark?

9. Billionaire inventor philanthropist whose every invention is used against him, like “what else has this screenwriter invented for millions in backend and residual profits for us lately”: Stark raven news; Thanos is coming.

29 Apr 19 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment